Why we Need 99% News
Corporate, neo-liberal, right wing media, pro-Republican, pro-Democrat news, have Americans, and the World, at each others throats. We are not being told the truth. #99News is hoping to change that. No more 'fake news.'
90% of Media in America is controlled by just 6 Corporations
To put this number into perspective, in 1983, 90% of the media was controlled by 50 companies. It is hard to get choice, thus differences in reporting, when such a small number of companies own the media. Consolidation in broadcast reporting has also brought with it an increase in extreme points of view. Lack of diversity in media necessarily brings with lack of diversity in thinking. And that's bad for democracy.
So it should be no surprise that the public's trust in the news media has been declining for decades: The U.S. Ranks 42nd in Press Freedom
Shamefully, the United States, despite a Constitution that protects freedom of the press, ranks only 42nd in the World in press freedom.
The Root of Fake News Is the Corporate Lust for Profit in Media |
FOX tries to defame a federal judge
FOX News tried deceiving their audience and in the process defamed the judge who granted a search warrant for Trump's Mara-Lago. This kind of behavior is found among the worst people in the internet; those who care little about truth and are out to destroy people they dislike politically. It was a cheap trick: putting someone's head on another person's body to mislead the person viewing the meme.
The U.S. press, like the U.S. government, is a corrupt and troubled institution. Corrupt not so much in the sense that it accepts bribes but in a systemic sense. It fails to do what it claims to do, what it should do, and what society expects it to do. |
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